Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly!
"We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves. Are these extravagant promises? We think not! They are being fulfilled among us – Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly." - 9th Step Promises
Friday, January 24 - Sunday, January 26 2025
Convention Registration Date: TBD
You must be registered to attend ticketed events, including Luncheon, Dinner, and Spiritual Breakfast.
If you prefer to mail in your registration, download the registration form and mail it to:
48th Annual SFV Convention,
P. O. Box 573413
Tarzana, CA 91357-3413
Hotel Reservations
Online Reservations
Book your group rate for SFVAA 48th Annual Convention. Use the SFVAA Hotel Discount Code: SFVAA 48th Annual Convention Jan2024
Last day to book before the event: January 14, 2024
The group room rate is $148 per night for single or double occupancy.
No extra charge for third or fourth guests.
The group rate does not include hotel tax @ 15.65%.
Discounted Self-Parking for Overnight Guests: $15 per night per car.
Discounted Valet Parking for Overnight Guests: $25 daily per car.
Or contact the Warner Center Marriott Toll-Free at 1-800-228-9290
See the SFVAA Convention website for more hotel information.