Exciting news! Pins are here! Get your convention pins at the next Planning Committee meeting or order online at sfvalanon.org. Weekend Raffle tickets are available. Here’s your chance to win Registration, Al-Anon Luncheon, AA Banquet, and Spiritual Breakfast for two plus hotel room and parking! Amazingly, they’re available, too, at the next Planning Committee meeting or order online at sfvalanon.org. And speaking of which, the next meeting of the 2022 San Fernando Valley AA Convention Al-Anon Planning Committee will be in-person on Tuesday, November 23rd at 7:00 pm at: 8055 Reseda Blvd. Reseda CA 91335
We urge you to join us. We will comply with the mask mandate and we encourage you to take every precaution during these difficult times. We’re also going to be on Zoom, ID: 712 698 1743 and password: sfvalanon.
We are close to the finish - only three meetings left before the convention! If you’re a committee chair, now is the time to check in with any questions or requests.
We are going “home” to the Marriott and we want you to be a part of it.
Just a reminder, if you are unwilling to comply with the mask mandate or feel at all uncomfortable with group settings, please feel free to join us on Zoom.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Loving being of service, Keith Kim 2022 SFVAAC Al-Anon Chair sfvalanon@gmail.com Cell: 818-224-4327 "Participation is the Key to Harmony." (Concept 4)